Saturday, January 26, 2019

Spam magnets

What, I wonder, turns a blog post into a spam magnet? About two years ago I wrote a post about one of the National Park sites in Arizona. It got two comments at the time, which is about par for one of my on-the-road posts, time passed, and then spam began appearing. Because I moderate comments a notice would pop up in my Hotmail account. I'd take a look, and the comment would be obvious spam: a very bland, meaningless sentence that could apply to any post with a suggestion that I check out a link.

Sometimes there wasn't even the meaningless sentence, just a link. They all seemed to originate in southeast Asia, e.g., Malaysia or Indonesia. I never clicked on the links, of course. I have days when I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but even barely awake and non-caffeinated I'm not stupid enough to click on links in spam.

There was another one of those spam comments this morning. Same post. You'd think that after a couple years passed the spammers would latch on to a different URL to target, a more recent post, but apparently not. 


  1. I had a spam post this morning in my blog comments. From south east Asia.
    I just clicked the SPAM setting under the comment and sent it off to wherever that link takes it.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  2. It would seem you spammer(s) have a few dull blades as well. Repetitively dull, at that.

  3. Back in the early days of Blog Spam, it seemed they all went something like this, " What you are saying is very important to me. Please let me know what to do now that we are friends. Thank you for you time", then a link to East Gish Vietnam or Backsplash, Pakistan. Now I use the spam filter on the blog settings and every year or so, go in and check them out. Seems now, most of the Spam I get is written in Cyrillic.

    1. The Spam filter catches most, but every so often something slides through.

  4. I got one recently telling me about escorts in Mumbai.

  5. Jono, I get the same thing. I reported them. It's a blog. Get the URL and then report it to blogger. If blogger gets enough complaints they will shut them down. I reported them for sex trafficking. It's a call girl site.

  6. Spam hits my blogs that are usually several years old, usually from SE Asia too, and repeatedly the same blogs. I just ignore them until they build up. Your method of approving comments is likely better


My space, my rules: play nice and keep it on topic.