Tuesday, March 26, 2019

A new favorite insult

Not long ago I was chastised for referring to someone as an asshat. I was told, in essence, that calling someone by that particular epithet was not ladylike. It didn't behoove a woman of my advanced years to describe someone in that fashion.

It just hit me. There are indeed better terms. In fact, I used one in a recent post. Shit weasel. It rolls off the tongue. Shit weasel definitely has more resonance, more weight than the relatively mild asshat did. I am now looking forward to horrifying patronizing old dudes with the term.

Life is good.


  1. I love it. It is almost poetic.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  2. I use so many different ones.
    I'm not sure I have a favorite.
    No one ever tells me that I'm not ladylike anymore, I think I've lost the ability to shock my (admittedly fairly small) circle. They expect me to say almost anything, and I rarely disappoint.

    I like calling someone a shitweasel, I also like calling them buttweasels.

    Assbag never fails to make me snicker, eiher.

    I probably need a hobby.

  3. Recently read in a transcript of a case I was working on (paraphrased from memory, but the epithet is completely accurate):

    Q (addressed to father in case by attorney for other side): Did you call me an "underwater clown rapist" in an email last month?

    A. Probably. That sounds like something I would say.


My space, my rules: play nice and keep it on topic.