A northeastern Pennsylvania prosecutor said he's shocked that two sisters accused of selling heroin are 65 and 70 years old. Monroe County District Attorney David Christine told reporters Wednesday that to look at the suspects, it's hard to believe the charges they face.
Police said the women are believed to have been dealing heroin out of their Stroudsburg-area homes for almost six months and pulling in about $10,000 a week in sales.
Random thoughts about roadside art, National Parks, historic preservation, philosophy of technology, and whatever else happens to cross my mind.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Retirement plans
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Retail therapy
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
It's about time
[It occurs to me that maybe I should have saved the flying pig for this post, but unfortunately I'm not psychic.]
It's been a slow week

Of course, it's hard to get excited about influenza (chills, fever, generally crappy feeling) after reading about 30-meter long tapeworms resulting from eating sushi. Thirty meters! That's a lot of parasite to have crawl out of your butt. How does anyone manage to walk around with something that long residing in their gut and not know it?! Yet another reason to avoid eating bait. (Apparently it is possible to kill the tapeworm larva without cooking the fish -- you flash freeze it to below -20 degrees Celsius and keep it that cold for at least 12 hours -- but true sushi and sashimi fans prefer their salmon so fresh it's still flopping around as the chef starts slicing.)
Because I work at Large Nameless Agency, a government entity that has a fairly high profile in public health, I've been getting lots of e-mails from various friends and acquaintances asking me about swine flu. As if I'd know. I'm getting my information the same way every else in the country is: by watching the acting director do press conferences and/or issue statements. About the only thing that differentiates me from the general public is I already own an N95 mask, the result of respirator training I had almost a year ago. (An N95 mask is one step up from the cheapest type of dust mask, but not by much.) What we're hearing (or reading) internally is the same thing they're telling the public, which is basically wash your hands often and don't sneeze on other people -- and if you feel sick, stay home instead of going to work and spreading your germs. In essence, the acting director is telling me the same stuff my mother would.
I will concede there is a certain amount of schadenfreude to be had in watching the Repugnicans highlighted in sound bites on CNN, clips of them bloviating a few weeks ago when they railed against giving any money to the CDC, FDA, Homeland Security, and other agencies for pandemic disease preparedness. Susan Collins in particular must be experiencing a lot of "Let me just die now" moments when she watches the news these days -- assuming she does, which is always debatable with politicians. Wolf Blitzer was like a puppy with a new chew toy yesterday, playing the clip over and over and over of Collins sounding smug and happy about taking money away from public health preparedness. Heard a great line somewhere to the effect that "Texas governor Rick Goodhair Perry has deferred rejecting federal aid until after the CDC ships the state its allotment of Tamiflu."
One of the more interesting aspects of this whole swine flu thing for me is seeing again just how many people have no clue just what exactly influenza is or how you get it. Listening to "idiot on the street" interviews where people say astoundingly dumb stuff like "I've stopped eating pork" floors me. Influenza is an air-borne upper respiratory infection -- the only way eating pork could give it to anyone would be if a sick waiter sneezed on a ham sandwich just before serving it to you. It's not enteric, you don't get the trots. Zillions of people get the flu every year while thinking it's a common cold, then they suffer food poisoning and think they've got the flu when it's actually salmonellosis. Very strange. Not particularly surprising considering the sad state of science education in this country, but still strange. You'd think if people were willing to line up to get shots to prevent an illness they'd at least have some idea of just what the symptoms for that illness are, but apparently not.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Humans who consume antler velvet as a nutritional supplement are at risk for exposure to prions.Prions, for those of you who don't pay attention to stuff like Mad Cow, are miscropic entities responsible for a number of diseases, like bovine spongiform encepholapathy in cattle (Mad Cow)and chronic wasting disease (CWD) in deer and elk. So is eating antler velvet some sort of woo (alternative medicine)I haven't heard about before? And should I be glad?
According to the article, it's yet another supposed aphrodisiac imported from the Far East. I know actual antlers get ground up for use as virility boosters, so why not the velvet, too? I wonder how long it'll be before Smiling Bob comes down with CWD?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Some thoughts on right wing demagogues
One of the things that is so remarkable about folks like Beck is that they always seem focused on government actions that have as little to do with our "freedom" as one could imagine. They're Mad As Hell about the stimulus bill (damn construction projects, taking away our freedom!) but couldn't care less about, say, warrantless wiretapping of American citizens. In response to a spate of these warnings about our descent into "tyranny," Jon Stewart had what might have been the best response:I think you might be confusing tyranny with losing. And I feel for you, because I've been there. A few times. In fact, one of them was a bit of a nail-biter. But see, when the guy that you disagree with gets elected, he's probably going to do things you disagree with. He could cut taxes on the wealthy, remove government's oversight capability, invade a country that you thought should not be invaded, but that's not tyranny. That's democracy. See, now you're in the minority. It's supposed to taste like a shit taco.But that taste is becoming intolerable for some. Even if their taxes have actually gone down, well, they still feel oppressed by Washington. They cried "socialism!" and no one seemed to care. Now they cry "fascism!" and still their words do not cause the whole nation to rise up. It must be terribly frustrating. But that's the thing about democracy -- it can be pretty frustrating, particularly when you lose. What the right doesn't seem to get is that the more extreme and shrill their rhetoric grows, the less convincing they become to the broader public. And the more ridiculous they seem.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Weekend roundup

Friday, April 17, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The mind boggles

We live in strange times. There's been so much stupid in the news lately I'm not sure just where to begin. The mind boggles.
Today was teabagging day. The levels of stupid embedded in that whole astroturf endeavor remind me of one those Russian matryoshka dolls, except infinite. Every time you think you've reached the innermost layer of right wing wackaloon ineptitude and downright dumb, you discover there's yet another layer inside.
First, they start off by calling the whole phony movement "teabagging." Doesn't anyone at Fox News ever bother to Google anything?! I'm not going to get into the fun various commentators have been having with that one. The snark is running thick and deep as television writers vie with each other to see just how many double entendres they can slip into one 30-second sound bite. Cavuto et al finally caught on and began using the term "tea party" instead, but woefully late.
Of course, Neil Cavuto isn't noted for his keen intelligence. He is, after all, the guy who claims the Fox News network covered the Million Man March back in 1995. The fact Fox News didn't exist at the time is apparently irrelevant.
Then, even though this is clearly an astroturf effort, a totally phony endeavor being pushed by Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, and Fox News, they manage to sucker people into actually showing up for the event and allowing themselves to be filmed complaining about the way Obama is running the country. How stupid does an ordinary working person have to be to bitch about being given a tax cut?! Or to support giving more money to billionaires? It's moderately amazing the right wing faithful are able to walk and wave their misspelled signs at the same time. (I was tempted to run downtown today to see just how many people showed up, but didn't want to artificially inflate their numbers by even one body. The crowd didn't look that big on the news, but no doubt by tomorrow Sean Hannity will be making it sound like everyone in Atlanta was there. Or at least everyone white. It did not appear to be a particularly diverse group.)
[H/T to Orac for the great graphic.]
Pharaohs not allowed to be fat?

When Zahi Hawass set out to find Her Majesty King Hatshepsut, he was fairly certain of one thing: The naked mummy found resting on the floor of a minor tomb was not her. "When I started searching for Hatshepsut, I never thought I would discover that she was this mummy," Hawass says. For starters, she had no apparent regal bearing; she was fat, and as Hawass wrote in an article published in the journal KMT, she had 'huge pendulous breasts' of the sort more likely to be found on Hatshepsut's wet nurse.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Think you've got problems?

One of the things I love about my job are the odd bits of data that come across the desk. Anteaters get the flu, complete with upper respiratory problems like nasal congestion. And not only do they get the flu, it's the same flu humans get.
How do we know that, you may ask? The researchers ran DNA tests on viruses they found in anteater snot.
As for why this matters -- giant anteaters are considered a threatened species, no one knew they could get influenza, and for sure no one realized they could catch it from humans.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
The Pulitzer Project: One of Ours

One of Ours was the final work included in Early Novels and Stories -- final in the sense of being the concluding piece in the book; I have no way of knowing if it was the last thing the editor picked for inclusion -- so by the time I read it I'd already gone through The Troll Garden (collection of short stories), O Pioneers!, The Song of the Lark, and My Antonia. I suppose I could have jumped straight to One of Ours, but several people had mentioned either O Pioneers! or My Antonia as "must reads," so I took their advice. After reading the earlier novels and then reading One of Ours, I could only conclude that the judges for the Pulitzer were honoring Cather for multiple novels, not just one.

From what I've read and heard, Cather's strongest works were nourished by her Nebraska roots. Her family moved to south central Nebraska from Virginia when she was quite young. She graduated from Red Cloud high school, and then went on to the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. Early Novels and Stories includes a capsule biography in the form a timeline that provides brief descriptions of various periods in Cather's life.
One of Ours draws heavily on Cather's Nebraska background. The Wheeler farm is located in the same part of Nebraska that Red Cloud is, southwest of Hastings, close to the Kansas border, and definitely on the Great Plains. Mr. Wheeler is a contradictory figure, a large, hearty man with the reputation of being more interested in watching others work than doing it himself but who nonetheless has taken a small homestead and turned into a large, profitable farming operation. He comes across, at least to the modern reader, as a sadistic bully in his relations with his wife and his middle son, Claude. The oldest Wheeler son is gone from home when the book opens, living in town and operating a successful farm implements business. The two younger boys, Claude and Ralph, are still at home, not quite grown but close to it. Both have finished high school; Claude has just finished his second year at a small church-owned college in Lincoln. Claude is serious, hard-working, and totally reliable. Ralph seems to be more of a wastrel, impulsive, and lazy. Naturally, when Mr. Wheeler buys a ranch in Colorado and needs someone to run it he delegates the task to Ralph, the slacker son.
Claude is a good natured youth, totally miserable at home, of course, but no one recognizes his misery -- or, if they do, they discount it. He's also incredibly passive and unimaginative. He spends a lot of time feeling wretched and thinking there should be more to life than there is, but can't figure out what -- and, despite being technically an adult and thus capable of making his own decisions, he lets his parents run his life. He didn't want to attend the church college, and doesn't really want to be a farmer, but just accepts both fates as inevitable. Eventually he ends up married to a girl he's known since childhood, a girl who has grown up to be a religion and temperance fanatic, not to mention a vegetarian. Not exactly the best choice for an agnostic farmer who enjoys good steak and whiskey, but he marries her anyway. One of Cather's standards in every novel seems to be at least one example of a really bad marriage -- One of Ours features several fairly dysfunctional relationships, but Claude's is definitely the worst.
And then the U.S. gets into World War I. Claude decides to enlist, discovers a sense of purpose, and goes off to France. His fate is predictable.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Things are turning nasty
Go read the rest. It's worth it.During the Clinton years we had the Waco siege, Timothy McVeigh, the Olympic bombing (by a pro-life extremist), and a revitalization of the neo-Nazi and nationalist right. In the past year we’ve had a man go on a shooting spree to kill as many liberals as possible while another murdered three police officers because he was convinced that Obama was coming to take his guns away. Think it’s unfair to pick out these isolated” examples? Fine. Find me one example of a liberal snapping and rushing off to “kill as many conservatives as possible until the cops kill me.” Go on. I’ll wait.
Republicans get elected and the worst that happens to America is some shrill rhetoric, empty threats to move to Canada, and the occasional public protest. Democrats get elected and the right instantly goes over the edge; we get Federal courthouse bombings and shooting sprees. These incidents, I’m afraid, won’t be the only ones of their kind during the Obama years. I worry that we’re going to have another Oklahoma City. I worry that we’re going to see more unhinged white guys who dabble in neo-Nazi circles snapping and going on shooting sprees. I worry that someone’s going to take a shot at the President. I worry because I think all of these things are virtually assured to happen in the next four or eight years.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
I am never eating sushi again
I learned a number of things. There certainly are a lot of unpronounceable pathogens out there. There are lot more zoonotic diseases than I thought possible -- and it's not just various critters passing diseases to us, we're passing diseases to them, too.
And I'm never eating sushi again.
[The patient] visited HTD again with a serpiginous, raised lesion on his back and surrounding erythema and eosinophilia (0.9 × 109 cells/L). He was treated empirically with albendazole, 400 mg 2×/d for 21 days, and praziquantel, 20 mg/kg as a single dose, for presumptive diagnosis of helminthic infection. Over the next 6 days, the serpiginous lesion migrated over his shoulder and neck, disappeared for 24 hours, then reappeared between his eyebrows, moved to his forehead and face, and then was felt inside his nose. On day 6, a spot developed below his left nostril, from which he expressed a larva. He brought it to HTD, where it was identified as Gnathostoma spinigerum.In short, he'd picked up parasitic worms by eating raw fish.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Car shopping

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Rightwing arrogance and ignorance
I loved the response from Democratic congressman Earl Blumenauer of Oregon, which was basically, yes, it is a big deal. If you've been getting by on peanut butter and Top Ramen and you now have a chance to buy something more substantial for a meal or two for your family, it does make a difference. He did a nice job of politely reaming the callers who mocked the small amount as being trivial and of no consequence. He also pointed out that a number of items that the Republicans are now using as talking points to disparage the budget are items that were inserted by Republicans to begin with, including a good number of the much maligned "earmarks."
It hit me (again) just how unbelievably arrogant, ignorant, and smug the rightwing tinfoil hat crowd is.
It also hit me that as that approximately $14 per person starts hitting paychecks, convincing folks that Obama isn't doing anything for them is going to get a little harder.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Another reason we need national health

one reason farmers prefer labor-saving monoculture is that it frees them to take an off-farm job, which for many is the only way to get health insurance. Thus, the simplest way to encourage sustainable farming might be offering a subsidy for affordable health care.