Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday morning amusements

Grover Norquist on C-SPAN decrying the Chicago-style politics Senator Obama will bring to Washington, the type of cronyism in which government contracts are awarded without competitive bidding to personal friends and/or individuals and companies who have made major financial contributions to the dominant political party.

So what would make that different than the last 8 years?


  1. Yeah, they're starting, just as expected. Carping and kvetching about any they can find to carp and kvetch about, doing their best to slow down the momentum of history as it leaves their tired butts behind.

  2. I have no idea what style politics he will take to Washington, we'll just have to wait and see what.

    I think that politics, left or right, are bullshit anyway.

  3. Grover Norquist is pot calling the kettle black. Isn't it rich?

  4. I am hoping that the days of Halliburton are in the past and all contracts with them cease immediately. I am thinking that we are about to see a new kind of administration - possibly more open than in the past. fingers crossed.

  5. It's like being slowly tickled to death.

  6. But, don't you know IOKIYAR??


My space, my rules: play nice and keep it on topic.