Friday, November 7, 2008

Putting government back to work

The Federal Page in the Washington Post has an interesting piece today on government workers looking forward to being able to actually do their jobs under an Obama administration. Here's a quote from it:

In numerous agencies, federal civil servants complain that they have been thwarted for months or even years from doing the government jobs they were hired to do. Federal workers have told presidential transition leaders they feel rudderless, their morale impacted by the Bush administration's opposition to industry regulation, steep budget cuts or the departures many months ago of Bush political appointees. Though they fear publicly identifying themselves, numerous federal workers said in interviews that they are down, but also excited about new leadership.

"Many we talk to are weary, but cautiously optimistic that with this change in administrations they will get to do their job again," said Jeff Ruch, of the Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility. "In the environmental agencies we deal with, they weren't allowed to do their jobs because the Bush White House operated on a very centralized basis. The rule was, that which the White House doesn't want to hear shall not be said."


  1. It must be refreshing. My guess is that Andre Sakharov would have much the same complaints with Brezhnev. And that's really too bad. And I suspect much of it came from that prick Cheney. I think a few folks need to take him on a retirement bird hunting trip in January.

  2. How nice to be on the side of science and knowledge again!

  3. So glad to hear that the employees are still there and ready to go!! Lot's of work to be done.


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