Friday, May 1, 2009

Another cartoonist to love

Go check out more recent work.


  1. Shoot, I already read so many comics that I don't have time to read more.

  2. I came to read your funny smart postings and what do I find when I comment? That stupid old bore, BBC. I usually just turn and run when I see him in a comment's thread since he takes such delight in saying rude, dull, boring things and then following the women home to harass them. This is a very funny cartoon and cartoonist. Thanks for posting it and sorry for the BBC rant.

  3. I like the cartoons, and took the time to check them out. Thanks

  4. So Utah and I don't like each other, so what? She is just a once spoiled gal that had things turn on her and she isn't happy about it.

  5. Okay, guys, you've each had a shot at the other. Don't do it again because neither one will get published.


My space, my rules: play nice and keep it on topic.